Mar 24, 2010

B-Day Dinner

Thank goodness for great friends

Ingebrigtsen Family Ski Day

If you know me at all, you know how comical it is that this is my third post about skiing. Anyhow, I did marry a skier from a skiing family. This was my first year at the annual Ingebrigtsen Family Ski Day. It was great because it was lovely weather and free after 3 at Alta. Luckily I was able to keep up with the group and I was most impressed with Erik's parents who can both tear it up on the slopes.
Thinking we're way cool :)
It was a great day. 

Mar 8, 2010

More Winter Sports

I guess I did well enough cross country skiing that I graduated to the real thing :) Actually, Erik's brother and his wife were nice enough to let us use their passes to Solitude while they spent the weekend in St. George. I did survive and I did have fun - the two goals of the day. Erik is a great teacher and I think he was impressed with his wife's athletic ability... or so I like to think.
Proof that I didn't spend the entire day on the bunny slopes. Erik didn't take me straight to the double black diamonds like my dear friends did back in high school, but I do think I graduated to intermediate level.
Too bad I can't get the video to work, so I can impress all of my skier friends. I'm just glad it was a good experience and now I can say that I have shared my husband's greatest passion with him.